1.1. During the trial while she was being questioned it made me very uncomfortable. I had a sense of hatred towards the people of the town and most definitely the girls that was testifying against her. Its a sticky situation when you know you're Innocent yet people accuse you of being guilty. Whenever her son came forward it proved to the jury she was innocent yet because of the dirty acts of the girls she was tried as guilty and hung. This makes me very angry because innocent people should not be harmed just because someone says they did something that they didn't do.
2. The author of The Crucible, Arthur Miller, uses creative license to make certain sense more or less dramatic than they really were. He also uses it to change small details throughout the story such as, ages and name. Miller uses his freedom by changing the details to make the girls testifying against so called witches older than the actual story. This is a huge difference because a young child wouldn't know any better if they are doing it with a group of friends for a good laugh yet once she is older it makes it feel more real because they realize the consequence yet they continue to put innocent people harms way. A minor change would be the changing of the names. Miller did this just to make his story appear different and to protect the identity of the actually characters.
3. Caborael's theory that the food had been contaminated with the ergot poisoning makes a lot of sense because perhaps the first girls to get contaminated did live under the same roof. Their immune systems could have been very weak and not able to fight of the poison. No it cannot prove that this was the cause due to the fact other questions were raised and we have no actual proof. Other professionals believe it could have been the start of a harmless teen prank that ended with tragedy in the hanging of their neighbors.
4. Miller points out the fact that their is an uncanny similarity between the Salem Witch Trails back in 1692 and the communist outbreak in 1949. This shows the similarity that the people of Salem were pointing out flaws of other neighbors and searching every detail to prove they were a witch. When the people of America start to fear communism there is a comparison of fear and search to cleanse themselves of the communist people just as Salem did with the witches. Millers article opened my eyes to see how one freak incident can turn everyday life up side down.
5. The House Un-American Activities Committee and the Salem Witch Trails show a comparison with the need to annihilate the situation. The HUAC pointed out the communist behavior and put a stop to it as well as the Witch Trails killed anyone who denied being a witch and took mercy on the ones who confessed to being a witch. The Contrast between the two is the trials persecuted them however the HUAC just held them in prison.
6. The holocaust was similar to the Salem trials because of the fact that they held innocent people against their will to contain the problem. The holocaust persecuted everyone one of faith, Jews, women, men, children everyone. The trails only persecuted adult woman.
7. George Santayana's quote means if our future generations cannot learn from our history's past mistakes they are doomed to fail and repeat them. We make the same mistakes just in different context. You learn from it by making the same mistake too many times and putting a stop to it. The Crucible is probably not the best at educating its readers on the Salem Witch Trials because Arthur Miller uses his creative license to change many details throughout the story.
8. Another example of the similarities is slavery and the desegregation of blacks and white. The KKK was a group of people who persecuted blacks because they were seen as unclean and worthless. The trials did the same thing because some people seemed different only they wouldn't admit it because it wasn't true, just like the blacks were no different than the whites.
9. The participation in the Salem Witch Trials activity would be our favorite activity because it shows the difference between the ones who admitted they were witches and the ones who did not.
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